Professional FRP REBAR production line

Annonce N°10032 - 2 photos - Publié le 19/09/2022 à 10:37 - 5896 vues
Prix :
10 €


Following up on the information request you have left on our website, please see our FRP/Basalt Rebar production lines presentation attached below. You can also watch our company profile/production lines video here:

As a brief summary, the FRP/Basalt rebar is becoming not only the standard in today's construction processes, but also carries a vast number of benefits compared to conventional steel rebar (sustainability, corrosion resistance and so on). Composite Tech FRP/Basalt rebar production lines are designed to be efficient and turn-key, outputting the following products:
FRP/Basalt Rebar
FRP/Basalt Mesh
FRP/Basalt Bent Elements
I would also like to note that since it is our job to make sure that you start your production as soon as possible, we always send our representative to aid with the assembly process and train your employees to achieve uninterrupted production. Each line comes with a dedicated software that helps in production management and monitors the line behavior to ensure its high performance.

Full range of our production lines:

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